Saturday, October 31, 2009
"Halloween ~ Spirits Among the Living"
Thursday, October 29, 2009
"Paranormal Activity" ~ A Demonic Theatre Experience
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Custom's House ~ Haunted Hamilton Ghostly Tour & Spirit Invocation
This past Saturday, October 10th, 2009 I decided to take yet another trip out to Hamilton, ON to attend another "Ghost Walk & Tour" courtesy of Dan & Stephanie Cumerlato of Haunted Hamilton. This particular tour was held at The Custom's House in Hamilton's north end and the difference between this tour and the vast majority of the others was the fact that it it started at 12 midnight (also known as "the witching hour").
The Custom's House is a very beautiful, old building (built circa 1858) and is notorious for it's haunting(s) and resident spirit(s) ~ the building itself is said to be haunted by 'The Dark Lady', a young woman who was murdered well over 100 years ago by a sadistic, mean, evil ship captain who took the young woman's life in a rage, and then buried her remains in the brick wall of the vault, located in the basement of this old building.
First off, I was quite amazed by the rather large number of paranormal enthusiasts that came out for this ghostly event, it certainly made for a "busy" evening. Everyone was gathered into the main hall of the Custom's House where we all took a seat around the perimeter of the room, as well everyone one was given a white candle to hold. In the centre of the room was a small table with lit candles and other decorative items like skulls etc. to help add to the "atmosphere" of the room, and that it did indeed.
After a brief introduction by Stephanie & Daniel Cumerlato, we were introduced to Ghost Guide George who began the evening's festivities with a history of the building along with the help of Lady Elizabeth ~ they then passed around their lit candles to everyone in the room so that we could all light our individual candles, which in turn began the "Spirit Invocation". The purpose of the candles is to surround everyone in 'white light' for protection, and ask the spirits' permission for all present to be there. This was quite an intense moment, as an eerie silence fell over the room ~ all 130+ people quiet, ad focused on what George & Elizabeth were saying.
We were then divided up into two large groups to commence out tour of the Custom's House. The tour itself lasted for roughly 90 minutes or so, with chilling tales and stories of the ghostly goings-on relayed by our Ghost Guide George, complete with his black cape and Victorian Top Hat, and a fantastic actor as well. (Lady Elizabeth is also a fantastic actress, as she conducted a previous tour at The Hermitage Ruins in Ancaster).
I would definitely recommend a tour of this grand building with the people of Haunted Hamilton, it is well worth it, especially if you have an interest in the paranormal such as myself. I am currently still analyzing my photos from that night, perhaps I will come across some strange anomalies, who knows. Once again, if you do decide to take the ghostly tour of Hamilton's Custom's House, bring a camera and an open mind.
You never know what may be lurking around the corner or beside you for that matter. Sleep well tonight.