I would first like to take the opportunity to extend to you all a very Happy New Year 2010 ~ one decade comes to an end and another begins; this should be looked upon as an exciting time full of new opportunities and challenges ~ I know it will be for me and many others.
I have very recently come to a realization that there truly is indeed a "higher power" or "another level of spiritual consciousness/awareness" existing within our vast Universe and it has been grabbing a hold of me over the past few months. Fascinating yet scary at the same time.
There truly is something greater at work on a global scale (as well as a Universal scale) and I am noticing this more and more as I talk to others ~ one can't help but notice this "spiritual" change occurring all around the world ~ one just has to turn on the news or read through various media to see what I am talking about. I know you know what I'm getting at here. Let me ask you this: have you met someone within the last 12 months that you immediately realize you have strong connection with? The kind of connection that is beyond the physical realm - purely spiritual, and yet very emotional? I have.
Just very recently I met an individual (I will keep this person anonymous in order to protect their identity) with whom I felt an undeniable spiritual connection, and I would be silly to dismiss or ignore it ~ rather I have embraced it as I tend to do with all new experiences throughout my life. I believe that perhaps my spirit guide(s) have made this possible (and I also believe that every person has one or more spirit guides that are always there to help show the way; you may not see them, or feel them as you would when someone is standing beside you in the physical, but they are nonetheless there. I truly believe this.
On another note, perhaps I share a connection with this person from a past life ~ again, I don't dismiss this notion. The vibes sent out to us by the Universe within which we exist are very powerful and intense at times creating a truly "paranormal" phenomenon. The world is changing, the Universe is changing, we are changing.
I was listening to an episode of Coast to Coast AM with George Noory a little while back and he brought up this same point - that something truly amazing is happening on a global and universal scale - mankind is entering the next level of consciousness as a species; if you don't see it, or believe it, just take a look at what is happening around you. What you discover may very well blow your mind, and I say this in a positive light! To embrace and accept change in life is to be able to take the next step forward toward true enlightenment and happiness ~ I do think that in order for us as human beings to be able to move forward to a higher level of consciousness, we must first learn to love ourselves and each other as well as learn from our history and past mistakes.
More and more people are beginning to realize that they have become more "in-tune" with what is going on in the universe ~ more and more people are harnessing their psychic abilities and connecting spiritually to something that is greater than what we know ~ think about it. Have you not felt a "change" occurring within your own life? I know I have, and to meet someone with whom I share this "connection" is one of the most incredible, exciting, terrifying and wonderful experiences all wrapped up into one big Christmas Gift so to speak; and it truly is a gift, and for this I am grateful.
To understand what I am talking about, don't go out looking for it. It will come to you when it is your time to experience it ~ though for some this does not happen until much later on in life. The Universe works in mysterious ways and when the time is right, you WILL know exactly what I am talking about. Still confused? Don't be.
It will all eventually make sense. Happy New Year.
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