so to speak, and has had movie-goers utterly terrified and spooked to the core since its release into theatres.
Due to my curiosity with this low-budget film, I decided to go and check it out for myself (along with a good friend of mine and an Amsterdam Blonde) to see what all the hype is about surrounding this film. I had no idea what was in store for me as a member of the audience, but was quickly going to find out. And find out I certainly did.
The movie (filmed entirely as a "home video") started off rather slow at the beginning and details the seemingly ordinary lives of a young couple living in San Diego, California. The couple has been experiencing some "strange phenomena" in their house for some time so the boyfriend in the film purchases himself a fancy, high-tech video camera (not unlike the cameras used in television studios or on location shoots in broadcasting) and decides to begin documenting some of the strange household occurrences on film. His girlfriend doesn't seem all that thrilled with the idea and as the story progresses day by day she willingly admits that she has been plagued by paranormal occurrences ever since she was a young girl. (You think she would have mentioned that to her boyfriend when they began dating.....silly sow!)
The majority of the "paranormal activity" (an aptly named movie, wonder who the genius was that thought of this title?) seems to occur during the night while the couple is sleeping in their bed ~ with camera rolling the audience begins to see some of these strange occurrences; starting off with footsteps up the stairs and in the hallway outside the bedroom, to scratching on the wall, to very loud bangs that wake the couple with a fright! Scary enough, right? Well it gets better.
The woman in the film begins to get very uncomfortable with what is going on and quite frankly, she is terrified. The activity begins to escalate, and the boyfriend decides to sprinkle baby-power on the floor one night and leave the camera running ~ only to find beastly footprints the next morning. The woman believes that a diabolical entity (demon) is to blame for what is happening, and that it is after her soul. The activity continues to escalate, getting worse and worse to the point where she begins to be attacked while she is sleeping. I don't want to go into too much detail for those who have not yet seen the movie, but let me tell you it did leave me with a rather unsettling feeling at the end. Very disturbing, but also very well done for a couple of amateurs.
Spirits and ghosts of departed people are one thing, but when it comes to demonic entities it changes the playing field completely and is truly terrifying. These things do exist, and these occurrences do happen more than we may realize.
So for those of you who like to dabble with Ouija Boards once in a while my best advice to you is DON'T. Stop now, before it's too late and be careful what you wish for!! Demonic possession is not something you want in your life, believe me. And for those of you who are expecting a big-budget Hollywood scare from this film, then you will be disappointed. Go and see it for yourself, but keep an open mind and don't expect too much.
Then go home after seeing this film and have a good night sleep. If you can.
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