Ah yes it's indeed that time of year again when the warm, humid weather and sunshine seem to just disappear and go into hiding, being quickly (very quickly!) replaced with cool, cloudy, rainy and blustery weather that we all know as Autumn or Fall.
The Fall is in fact my favourite time of year for several reasons; firstly I was born at the beginning of October which holds special meaning to me, I absolutely love the changing of the leaves to vibrant oranges, reds and yellows along with the smell in the air of wood fires burning somewhere ~ perfect for those long country drives (which I tend to do quite often, or as often as possible and perhaps even stop at a local paranormal hot spot or two!!). Finally, the coming of Fall also means that Halloween is fast approaching and is one of my favourite days of the year!!
Yes we all love a good ghost story once in a while, do we not? Speaking of ghost stories, I just recently finished reading the latest compilation by author John Robert Colombo, entitled 'The Big Book of Canadian Ghost Stories' which in and of itself was a fantastic collection of told as true ghost stories from the past as well as the present. If you are interested in stories of the creepy kind, I would strongly suggest picking up this book and giving it a read ~ I personally had a hard time putting it down.
There are all types of books out there about the Paranormal, which reminds me I just picked up a few more books today, one of them written by author & psychic Michelle Belanger (who you may remember from her several appearances on A&E's TV Show "Paranormal State", featuring the Penn State University's Paranormal Research Society. I will definitely let you know what I thought about the book once I have finished reading it ~ also, there are a wealth of on-line websites dedicated to ghost stories and paranormal events all over the world ~ I would urge you to check some of them out, they make for good bed-time reading (that is if you can handle it, and not become to frightened!!).
Until my next blog post I bid you good evening and remember, when you think you are alone, you just might have company. Hehehe.
Sleep tight.
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